I am not a numerologist or interested in astrology, but I did have eight days of almost pure joy and sunshine during my spring break. I had anticipated it for so long and was more than a little doubtful that this new adventure would live up to my high expectations. As my wise professor once quoted from my Africa adventure thirty plus years ago, "If you have no expectations, you will never be disappointed." I have learned not to mind a little disappointment because I am somehow hardwired to have high expectations of life and of my students.
This trip was one that exceeded my expectations. That makes three (sorry more numbers). The first was what I simply call "17." It was my 4400-mile solo motorcycle trip in the summer of 07. I had always wanted to see the rocky coast of Maine that my hero, Rachel Carson, wrote about. I had read all of her books in college and always wanted to know more about her and see where she wrote her stunningly accurate and engaging books. I was not disappointed. I saw the house where she wrote Silent Spring in Silver Springs, MD. When I walked up the drive two chipmunks greeted me and in the back near her study a deer stared me down with quiet grace until I tried to take a photo. My skin kind of got goose bumps with her presence. I photographed every inch of the outside of her house and grounds to include the window of her bedroom where she was taken from us much to young in 1964. I found out later that when she testified before Congress about her findings in Silent Spring she was battling cancer very stubbornly and gallantly and privately - no one had a clue what she was going through on the inside as she stood fast for the birds and all of life on the outside. In the driving rain - on a motorcycle I might add - I finally got to see the summer home where she penned, Under the Sea Wind, I think, in Maine. The locals at the general store on Southport Island still remember her. On the porch of that house dripping wet, I had to clear my memory card to snap some photos of the terns on that rocky shore. I later kept from punching arrogant New Yorker guests who interrupted the kind clerk and me to preview which room they would pick at Newagen Inn where she also stayed and where down the lane her ashes were scattered on the waters by the rocky shore. They were two other fine ladies I got to visit also to include one of my dear college friends and her husband in Plattsburg, NY. I also got to cross Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont in one day and ferry ride across Lake Champlain to have a 30-year overdue reunion. So that was 17 in a brief.
Then there was "10." I had been accepted for an Earthwatch mission to Arizona to collect caterpillars. I had decided not to go since we were moving and since I would have to miss three days of professional development and the first two days of school. It only took the first five minutes of a required three-day summer academy to convince me of one thing - GO! This blog started with those ten days. That experience inspired me to write an NSTA Toyota Tapestry Grant, which I received officially at an NSTA reception at the Philadelphia Convention on the eight days of wonder trip.
Now for the eight days. Day One: Boston. My buddy, Rob, delivered me to the airport.
(Not Hugh Grant's brother)
I was off to Dallas, yes, and then Boston. My Earthwatch friend, Jen Wren, and her friend,
Jen Wren and Holly
greeted me and we had dinner at the oldest restaurant in America, serving since 1836, the Union Oyster House. Day Two: The next morning I visited North Bennett School in Boston where my son may attend in the fall for piano tuning and repair. Then I took a six-hour train ride on a beautiful day with breathtaking views along the way to include the shore at New Holland, CT. I also met a delightful four year old
and her new friend from South Africa who was reading to her in the diner car.
Days Three to Five and a half were spent in Philly at the Convention and around town. I got to have a fabulous reunion with Earthwatch buddies Sassy and Designer Girl,
I had a marvelous behind the scenes tour at the American Museum of Natural History. I got to meet lots of new folks:
(I walked fourteen blocks out of the way to the wrong Sheraton - Rachel gave me water and understanding - Steven let me borrow his subway pass to go back and get my cellphone that I had dropped and "lost" there but kept by the railway guy when i called my phone.)
(This is what my knew chef at the hotel friend did when I said our president needs our help - the democrats and republicans just need to grown up and feel the love. Notice his hat.)
I saw lots of exhibits in the exhibit hall to include getting home delivery of the times and a "free" NYTimes blanket for my wife. Free Giordelli chocolates on the street corner
(From these coeds)
(After sharing my favorite chocolate moment on video and getting ten more chocolates, I met this guy who also has a March 21st birthday and is almost as young as I.)
Two Philly steak sandwiches at the Sports Bar since they put the wrong cheese on the first one, A nano technology workshop that has probably led to an all expenses paid one week summer institute in Amherst, MA where one of my astronomer mentors has designed a circle of the sun on the quad that I heard on the 365 days of astronomy pod cast in 2009 and which one of the labs Mr. Hamblin, the math genius teacher across the hall, and I tried together with my physics class on Friday.
Part of the Nanotechnology Lab. I am counting the number of drops in a 50:1 alcohol to oleic acid solution so we can measure the height of a one molecule of oleic acid skipping across the water and forming a perfect circle with its mates.
Video of circle dance from one drop of solution
Whew. I also attended a reception for all Tapestry Grant winners, did Bikram Yoga for 90 minutes in 105 degrees, met a gifted teacher from Alabama, and journeyed to New Jersey as my sister queried, on purpose.
The other half of Day Five and Day Six were spent in Millville, New Jersey.
On a hike we stopped by the lake (sunset pictured above) - Designer Girl, Sassy, and Nat Jat.
We had pizza on the lake at sunset with Designer Girl's husband, Rich the Judge, and Sassy and Nat Jat who joined us from PA where she is hopefully the director of a YMCA camp now. On the next morning, my birthday, and the seventh day without a cloud in the sky, I was taken at my request to the beach at Ocean City. Ah, the wonders of this world. And a lunch I had a wonderful chicken salad with my favorite ice cream milkshake - Breyers Cherry Vanilla - and with friends. Does it get any better?
Without knowing this my three friends gave me a quote that has been in my classroom for 15 years from one of my heroes, Albert, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
The last hour MST of Day Six and Days Seven and part of Eight were spent in Albuquerque, NM where I joined my wife who received the Foundation Fellows award with 31 other excellent piano teachers from across the country to include Nelita True whom Donna and her students and I heard in recital at Millsaps last fall, pretty good company, at the annual Music Teachers National Association Banquet. That day we toured old town and saw a beautiful church that has having worship since 1704 or something and lunch where I had the best tamale I have ever eaten at Church Street Cafe. I also met the Rattlesnake museum proprietor who left teaching to do something not so dangerous - collect live rattlesnakes.
In front of the church.
Day Eight my friend picked me up right on time at the airport and treated me to coffee and conversation as he and his wife graciously listened to my adventures (and received a few little happies from my trip).
Now that is exceeded expectations. Life is good.
Driving toward my next adventure - notice I am not texting and have both hands on the wheel.