After having three debilitating flair ups of intervertebral bulges on L2,3 and 5 and after considering surgery at one point, I survived a six week training schedule with a very bad fall in the rain on a slippery bridge and with two painful injuries on the left achilles and right ACL, and I FINISHED THE RACE. What made it even better was it was the fifth year of a benefit run for victims of Katrina that I had a small part in starting when I was pastor at the sponsoring church - Rosedale United Methodist. Thanks to Bobbie Nell Lewis and Susan Boyette for building and sustaining this annual event.
I also finished the race of another week at school. I was honored to get to present two workshops at the Mississippi Science Teachers Meeting in Jackson, MS. The first was More Tools for your DI toolbox, a presentation of three ideas - deBono's six thinking hats, drama "dance' with symbol prompts, and six word exercise -to improve critical thinking, class participation and creativity. A brief summary of an Earthwatch led into the differentiated instruction ideas. The second was the 1-2-3 of Caterpillars where results of his Earthwatch Expedition to Arizona and how caterpillars can be used to promote scientific interest and inquiry and an understanding of the natural selection and the effects of climate change were discussed. In the second I used some of my guru's caterpillar slides (Dr. Dave Wagner).
It all got a good start when a very kind manager of the restaurant helped me get set up for my workshop on Monday morning. I drove an hour in the rain to get to my workshop and parked illegally in the garage on P5 and my room was on the lobby level. LaKeisha greeted me with a smile and how may I help you. I told her my troubles about getting unloaded and parking illegally. She said, "just stand right here and I will get it taken care of." Moments later she had a bell cart and waiter to go the P5 and load and then unload every piece of my prompts and presentation materials to my room. I did not have to do a thing except unlock my trunk. As if that were not enough, she got me a plastic cup of water and sent the manager in to check on me. He asked if I needed anything and I said I could use a pencil sharpener for the 200 colored pencils I was going to use in the presentation He said let me sharpen them and I did not argue. I told the hospitality heroes at the Marriott that I was going to move in. I wrote a very positive letter to the hotel in thanks.
Further, I got to meet a former student who is now an excellent teacher, Quanetta Montgomery Love and her friend, Nichole Harris. I was so encouraged to see young teachers in the profession who have the passion and knowledge and love of learning and teaching to pass on to the next generation. I was very discouraged to hear yet again the woes of working with less than stellar or even adequate administrators. I think I am going to start another blog and small group of change agents to help make a more supportive environment at the schools where we teach. Anyone interested?
Thanks for reminding me to look at your site. As usual I enjoyed the visit.
Thanks for reminding me to look at your site. As usual I enjoyed the visit.
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