I remember as a boy and as a young man in school how I had a growing admiration for Albert Sweitzer. At first it was just cool that he was a doctor helping others in some remote areas in Africa but as I grew in understanding and years I began to appreciate his reverence for all of life idea.
This past week I have been reminded of that again. After watching Benita, our bearded dragon, not eat for almost a week I finally called the vet. They said bring her in. So on a Monday afternoon I put Benita in a cardboard box with her favorite rock so she would feel at home. I thought I was going to drop her off and leave her like I had Sister Isaac II and let them take care of her. I was a very concerned that we might loose yet another animal and wondered how the students would take to yet another loss in the classroom. When I got to the vet I found out I was going to see the vet, Dr. Vaughan. I have waited with my own kids in waiting rooms and with some of my athletes over the years, but I have never been in the waiting room at the vet.
The receptionist came in at one point and said my name must be Job - since I was so patiently waiting. An hour and a half later I got led to a room just like at a people doctor and the chart was placed in the slot at the door. Benita slept through most of the experience. When Dr. Vaughan came in she was gentle and kind and examined Benita and saw immediately the problem. She was bloated and not able to pass the crickets she had eaten consequently she thought she was full and did not eat. She told me she would have to give her an enema to clean her out - imagine a bearded dragon enema! About fifteen minutes later when she brought her back she was limp as a rag and I wondered if she would make it. Dr. Vaughan showed how I would have to feed her with a syringe and how to draw up 2 cc of chicken baby food and the a few mm of warm water and mix and then inject it behind Benita's tongue. I took her home with me and fed her before bed and have done that now three times a day since last Tuesday and this is Sunday.
She has taught me a lot about patience and about how different reptiles are than we. When I called Dr. Vaughn on Tuesday after I thought we were going to loose Benita, she said if it took her a week not to eat and get weak and would take at least two to bring her around. She told me to get her some pediolyte and mix it half and half with water and that might help perk her up. I was off to Piggly Wiggly in Goodman to get Pediolyte for my baby on Tuesday night - of all things. You see I would do most anything not to have to reach into her cage and find her lifeless for that is just what I did not Tuesday and she looked all the world like she had stopped breathing and the student's kept asking if she was alive. I got one girl out of another class(she is not in my class this year but was last year and has really bonded to Benita) to help me feed her so we would get the experience and did the same with other students who are in my class.
She has come around a bit and now after force feeding a few intermittent crickets with the baby food and pediolyte. Today she has been weaned from the baby food and had three meal worms and three crickets - you have not lived until you force feed - gently mind you - a cricket and a meal worm to a bearded dragon.
On another note our new snake, a corn snake, ate on schedule last Friday. The kids were gathered around the cage in rapt attention as she slowly sniffed out the thawed pinkie and then circled it and then figured how to put the head in first and then eat.
Now we also have a first tomato ripening in the greenhouse and students are researching and planting plants of their choice. It is so satisfying to see their interest and care for the plants and for Benita and Sister III and the fish and on. I hope they are learning to care for all of life as a way of life - I sure am.
hey mr. banks this is michelle...im glad benitas okay n hope that doesn't habeen to sister act II... or is it III.
oh n p.s. for thta research for new plant thing, do we have to do all 10 of them or the first 5???
Go for all ten by the time we have our exam - Thursday I think.
I left Benita at school for the first time in a week - she ate four and a half worms today and seemed much better.
SIster III seems very adjusted now. Time will tell for all our little creatures.
oh okay mr. banks. n good for Benita! hmm i think i might get a lizard one day. not now of course, my mom aint having that! lol n good for Sis to i like snakes now....well that is the tame, familiar ones :)
Your site is wonderful! I know it's an inspiration to others, especially your students. Keep up the good work.
Even the cookies!
G. Mills
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