Even in 100 plus degree heat, the oasis delivered these.

Easy rider on the hydragea
Day One
Second Row: Jessica, Brittany, Jaylan, Kenya holding RJ, Ms. Towner
Front Row: Justin and Wendy
After not a lot of sleep, I rushed out to Velma Jackson to meet some folks rounded up by our spirited PTA President to help clean up my room that I left pretty much in a disaster. At least that is what I thought. I got there just before the scheduled 10:00 am appointment for disaster relief and no one was there. When I asked one of the front office people if they had seen anyone, she said, “She will not come.”
Oh yea, of little faith, about 11:05 in walks the president and her crew, her daughter, Kenya, her daughter’s friend, Jessica, (both will be in my physics class and they scored some serious brownie points) and her two younger children and their friends. They all needed volunteer hours for 4H and I needed some serious help - great combination.
They all jumped right in and we cleaned hamster and gerbil cages, moved Eduardo, the guinea pigs pen and cleaned up some not so pleasant waste material that he left behind and threw away clutter, moved out all the desks and cleaned them and mopped the floor and sorted clutter and generally gave zoo 122 a make-over. All I had to do was work along side them and encourage and cook hot dogs on my George Foreman grill.
Thank you.
As if that three-hour stint was not enough. They agreed to come back on Monday to take on the greenhouse.
Day Two Crew
Jaylan, Ms. Towner, Jessica, Kenya, Chris
Wendy, Brittany
This time I got there early and there was knock at my door and it was the new principal and his assistant. They introduced themselves and were dressed very professionally with pastel shirts and striped ties and I was standing there in my shorts, T-shirt and clogs. I said I did not get the memo about dressing. The principal was very supportive and the assistant nodded smiled and nodded a lot, and they willingly took the tour of my room and the greenhouse. Then the principal asked who was in charge of the school fountain – it had become a tremendous eyesore over the summer without any maintenance and the once beautiful flowers were smothered by three foot high Bermuda grass. I said the last administrator and I never really came to a good understanding. The kids really need a lot of support to keep it going and some money for supplies occasionally. He asked if I wanted that in my program. I said yes and he said I had his support.
I told him it would probably be Monday or Tuesday before I could get people to do it. He thought that would be great. And then my help showed up again in force and besides Kenya and Jessica who worked tirelessly, creatively and without complaint on Wednesday another student who will also be a senior, Chris, showed up and joined forces.
I got the fourth grader, Justin, started on the fountain area and he immediately had a good understanding about getting the roots up and not having to do it again. I interrupted the principal from a meeting to tell him a young man was out there working in the heat and could really use a pop at some point and to test his support. He passed later with a pop and two bananas.
I also enlisted Chris on the fountain and put in some serious time myself to which Chris said to Justin, “I cannot keep up with Mr. Banks, this heat does not seem to bother him.”
He did alright.

I ride without AC and the windows down to condition and to simulate motorcycle riding.
At any rate we got it finished and when I told and showed the principal who graciously gave me his cold water, he said UPS couldn’t deliver like you. I said just call me UPS and we are off to a good start. Mr. John Sullivan will be fine as our new principal - he recognizes persistent passion that you do not have to wait overnight for.
I hope for a good year. After serving hot dogs to all I went from there to surprise our former assistant principal who is now the head principal of East Flora Elementary with a farewell gift. She told her secretary to be careful about whom she let in, but was really glad to see me even though I thought the picture on the wall was a tomato and it was an apple. She was very encouraging of my career and told some good lies about my ability and intellect to her secretary. Fare very well, Dr. Robinson.

I snapped this clandestinely.
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