And yesterday was a good travel day I made a sandwich and potted an African violet cutting from this plant
and said farewell and Betty told of being at a women’s meeting with Barbara Kingsolver and her remembering one of her idiosyncracies form another occasion and enjoying her talking about practicing on the five inch red heels to wear at the Orange Award presentations. A world class writer spending time with friends talking about red heels. And the party her husband had for her and someone singing an adaptation of I am glad I am on the road you live on or something like that.
I have not remembered just how hilly Abingdon was – man. The travel was very good to include a cool visitors center in VA and I ended up at the New River Gorge Bridge WV for lunch and it was majestic. Pure gift - I did not even know I would pass that way and they offered possible housing next summer if I volunteered.

Thank you. A guy saw me with my Chemistry shirt and figured the red truck with the recumbent in the back must be mine because "normal people do not ride them." They had a Mercedes camper that got 23 miles per gallon and had a queen size bed in it and shower and toilet so cool and it was regular van length.
Wenda and Bill, I think, who were from the East Coast and live near the Chirachquan mtns (where I was on the Earthwatch Trip last summer) in New Mexico.
I got to Elkins and Joe broke sun chips with the recyclable package
that Betty talked of and some Cleveland Great River . . . and met Rob the proprietor at the El Gran Sabor . . .
And to bed. A very good day.
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