A flower of Amherst in tribute for my time in Amherst.
And now I say farewell to Amherst after a very quiet afternoon with a bike ride to see the Sun Circle at the south end of the football stadium where I met Judy Thomas and she told me about putting the circle together with a small grant from UMass and another from NASA and a bigger one from NSF to total about 30,000. Each of the stones was purchased from a quarry in Otis, MA for about 2 grand each. Three things were quiet different than expected – one, Judy’s picture on the web is from 1996

And here she is 2010
two, I thought it would be on the quad of campus (UMass has a pond with three fountains as the amoebic center of sorts)

and three, the stones were granted (no pun on their granite nature) large but not compared to the vast stadium across the street
and the tallest library in the world as Jenny referred to it. Nevertheless it was impressive and Judy is trying to get one on the National Mall. She was very gracious to return my email and meet me there to discuss her ongoing passion and future book.
And after that I got to go to downtown Amherst at last and had a wonderful light supper with a kim chee wrap and hot green tea at a place called Fresh Air and then some raspberry and vanilla Italian ice cream after seeing the majestic yellow house

and lot of one of my favorite poets, Emily Dickenson, and the majestic church

across the street which was across from Emily’s brother’s house (next door to hers) who was on the building committee in 1868.
We presented our posters about our lesson plans during the morning after an awesome pinch hit lecture by Jonathan on Nano-medicine.
And here are the people and a few posters, Farewell, Nano friends.
And first price to an tall,quiet spoken chemical and biological wiz, Anthony who teaches AP Chemistry in Easthampton, MA and has a
company that tinkers with proteins to make them act in the lab like they do in the cell so drugs can be assayed.

And second prize for very innovative idea.

By Laura who teaches astronomy and geology at Ipswich MIddle School in MA and who generously gave me a ride to the Barbecue and who schooled me on my smart mouth.

And second prize for artistic merit

Farewell, grant guru, Antonietta who teaches in the "Fame" High School in NYC.

And pretty darn good from Jessica.

May you and Ben continue to do well in teaching and contracting.
And farewell, Deidre, who commuted on bike from Northampton everyday and made me jealous and who teaches Physics, Technology and English.

And farewell to the two participants who completed online course work while also doing this workshop.

Sharri who is a fireball of a teacher in Mansfield, MA and reminds me I met her husband and dog the first day soon after arrival (and I have no recollection).

Her poster

Mo who teaches after a successful career in industry and sponsors a First Robot team.
And to two other captains of industry before going into teaching
Tom who teaches in Merrifield, VA and cuts right to the point in his skillful analysis and whose picture and poster I have somehow lost.
And Cooper car Robert who got his spot in the sun as an expert on diffusion, who authored the Donelson metaphor of industry cited earlier in the blog.

His poster.
Penney's poster

And to Penney who does not like to be photographed. May you continue to thrive even when you read the directions or especially when you do. Thanks for keeping me on track.
And to Marie whose cool poster about the scale of things from cells to seed to roots and stems and leaves I have managed to delete. May you continue to enjoy life and teaching and family as fully as you do now. Thanks for your well wishes.

And to Stacey even though you are a Yankee fan. I want to learn in your class.May your students realize how lucky they are and may you have many happy cruises through life and your career.

Her Poster.
And farewell, Jared and Ilana who both teach at Framingham High School, MA. May your love continue to nourish you.

Jared's poster

Ilana's poster
And to those friends who escaped my camera
Curriculum Catherine may you find new nano knees soon.
Robert who came in with the big guy (with the number one poster each day) - I kept my promise and did put your poster on the web.
And to Laurie who out clevered me on many cases. May you keep keeping folk inside and outside the classroom on their toes and you made me feel right at home by calling me, Mr. Banks, with sarcasm as rich as mine.
And to Bryna, pronounced like China, who grew up in my favorite city on earth, NYC, and gave me new energy and direction for making kraut and pickled beets and such and a cool cooking tool, a mandolin. May math and life continue to be exuded from your happy self.
And to Paul with the reassuring math Peele principle for your students. May you give them academic and other assurance each day.
And to Bob with helped me process the day walking back to the dorm. May we get to run together sometime afterall, may your young Dominican friend make you forget all about learning communities.
And to those friends whose pictures and bios have already graced this blog
Joanne, may all the math symbols make sense and may the crown you earned for putting up with me as gel lab partner on the Jteam gleam always.
And hubby and wife team, Scott and Anita, may you find that perfect place to retire.
Michael, keep the gentle farm boy spirit and understanding you have so you may share it so gently with others.
Bruce, thanks for the pulled barbecue sandwich and a whole lot of physics insight. Keep sharing it.
Sarah, may you spoon again soon.
Buzz, the other Buzz (Aldrin) has nothing on you. May you and your
company flourish.
Rich, you are the consummate gentleman. May your life continue to be as good as the pierogis and ride we shared.

Keep the fire, Nina. She shares her immense talent, energy and life and academic understanding to fortunate inner city kids in Hope Valley, RI.

Take care buddy. Andrew Angle, roomie and excellent physics and chemistry teacher and knowledge ninja and teacher at a fine private school, The Watkinson School, in West Hartford, CT.
And an added treat from my wonderful friend from Ireland who went over the top when I asked her to offer a greeting to my Mississippi friends.
And to Mort who made it all possible and Jonathan and Mark and Rob and Jenny who continued to dazzle us with their understandings and to Holly who kept us all on track.